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.:: sounds for the earth/ sons pel planeta terra ::.
Copenhag 2009- GG02 Radio took part of the Bike Blocks Sound Swarm Project by webcasting a selection of green sounds at the occasion of UNO's 15th summit on Climate Change
Access GG02 Radio Climate Chaos special pages
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Tor, Campamento hippie
by Lokkooo, estiu 2011, es, dur. 1:14, streaming mp3 /
ogg format click here
Ara, una mica de sal?
by GG02 Radio, primavera 2011, multi, dur. 1:25, streaming mp3
Diagonal Song Barcelona
by Geri G., tardor 1996, none, dur. 0:58, streaming mp3
Maxiavalanche 2010 Backstage
by Geri G., juny 2010, ca, dur. 4:40, streaming mp3
Esglèsia d'Arinsal 19h cet
by GG02 Radio, juny 2010, none, dur. 4:40, streaming mp3
Son Jarocho Mexico Oaxaca
by David Hurstel., juny 2010, es, dur. 2:34, streaming mp3
French accents demo
by Geri G., juny 2010, fr, dur. 1:02, streaming mp3
Copenhag 2009 Review
by GG02 Radio, december 2009, fr-en, dur. 4:36, streaming mp3
.:: BONUS ::.
International Radio Spelling Alphabet